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2021 season


From May to September there are one to two trail rides per month with overnight stays on the Alp Gampelen, you are welcome to reserve a place with your own horse.




3-day trail ride in the Uri mountains
with a rental horse or your own horse



Sa 22.05. Fully booked until Mon 24.05.21 (Pentecost)


Fr. 4.6. until Sun 6/6/21 there are still places available


Fri. 10.9. until Sun 13.9.21 there are still places available



You can find more information about the trail ride here



Click here to register or if you have any questions.



2-day trail ride in the Uri mountains
with a rental horse or your own horse



Sat 12.6 to Sun 13.6. There are still seats available

We are happy to organize further 2-day rides in June, July, August and September

We are happy to accept appointment suggestions.



You can find more information about the trail ride here



Click here to register or if you have any questions.


You can find the registration form here





Für spontane Reiter

Ich führe oft auch spontan Tagesritte, Vollmondritte, Frühstücksritte etc. durch.

Gib mir Bescheid, wenn ich dich über die Termine informieren soll.


Für Gruppen ab 4 Reiter

Ab einer Gruppe von 4 Reitern organisiere ich gerne Tages- oder Mehrtagesritte.




Falls du einen Ritt verschenken möchtest, kann ich gerne einen Gutschein ausstellen.

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